Wednesday, January 11, 2012

60% Would Toss A Pension For THIS Perk

How does health affect work, and how does work affect health?

A gym membership is the most common and, as it happens, least interesting health perk a company can provide.  That's what the Fit to Perform survey conducted among 554 executives reveals.

The executives were asked how they support the health and well-being of their workforce. 

Fully 60% rated free or subsidized health care as the most important perk in perkdom.   These results are the preliminary findings as part of a wide-ranging investigation into the critical health care issues around the world.   Maternity leave continues to not be commonly provided but to be commonly thought important.

It is part of the GE "Health of Nations"  research and analysis program , created by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

Quality health care doesn't need to be subsidized if it's affordable in the first place - something employers are learning is the case with international health care. 

Private health care in places as diverse  as Thailand, India and Malaysia  - and as close as Mexico, Argentina, Panama and Costa Rica (where 15% of annual visitors are actually dental tourists, according to the Costa Rican government) - is often less than half US costs - that's even with all the perks and extras that most US patients would like to expect from domestic health care, including modern 5-star facilities, private patient rooms, top surgeons and nursing staffs and US medical devices. 

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