Saturday, January 21, 2012

Twinkies, Eternal Freshness and Premature Death

This past Wednesday Hostess - that purveyor of Twinkies, Wonder Bread and Ho-Hos -  filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The company said it is struggling to stay competitive under the weight of debt and soaring labor force expenses  - primarily referring to legacy pension and medical benefit obligations and restrictive collective bargaining agreements governing its 19,000 strong, predominantly union workforce.

A Sweet American Giant On Its Knees
The ingredients for a bankruptcy can be complex, but, it seems, no more so than the ingredients of the Twinkie itself.  The description we hear in advertising - golden sponge cake, creamy filling - is rather vague and, it turns out, not very reflective of the very interesting (and somewhat alarming) ingredients of the snack cake.

Fun Facts About Twinkies

Vitamins.  Who knew Twinkies have vitamins?!  Where the vitamins come from, however, is another story: Food writer Steve Ettlinger, author of the book “Twinkie, Deconstructed, explains in an interview with NY Times health blogger Tara Parker-Hope that the vitamins in Twinkie are made from petroleum and fermented in enormous industrial plants mostly in China, part of what Ettlinger calls "the Twinkie Industrial Complex". 

Rocks.  No animals are harmed in the making of a twinkie, but rocks are put to work. Five rocks are required in the making of a Twinkie, including salt,.gypsum, trona, limestone and phosphorus ore.

Polysorbate 60   Ettlinger was unable to get Twinkie factory employees to give away the secret of the cream filling, but he suspects it is partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, polysorbate 60, and possibly cellulose gum.

Eternal Life.  Twinkies will change consistency as they age, but apparently never become (more) inedible.  The food writer interviewed in the NY Times has a Twinkie from 2005 in his office, with nary a speck of mold, which might explain the "good through 1/11/25" that was ink-jetted onto the cellophane wrapper of a Banana Flip - quite similar to a Twinkie except for the flavor - that I once purchased as part of a Halloween costume.

The year was 1992, and it actually took me awhile to understand that the '25' in the date line referred to 2025. I've moved twice since then, but the Banana Flip, still stored in a box somewhere, is still (according to them) just as edible a the day I bought it. I should add that the last time I saw it - sometime in 2002 - it looked the same, although the creme filling looked a trifle less creamy.

Doctor Criticizes Snack Cakes, Loses Job
While nothing in the Twinkie seems to resemble food as we know it, and sugar and fat are well-understood contributors to the American obesity rate - Tuesday the CDC reported that more than 78 million adults and almost 13 million children aged 2-19 are obese- a  Florida doctor was removed from his job running a local  health department after posting signs critical of junk food and doughnuts.

Associate professor of medicine at the University of Chicago Dr. Elbert Huang said in an interview with  MSNBC news that current obesity rates guarantee that we will see dramatic increases down the road in diabetes and in costs linked with that disease. That's because Type 2 diabetes, strongly linked to obesity,  becomes more prevalent as people age.

Twinkies are eternally nostalgic, (nearly) eternally fresh as that word is understood in processed food land, but neither obesity nor diabetes need to be lifelong burdens.  Check out the articles below for an in-depth look at the factors contributing to obesity and diabetes, and how to control them.

click to learn about Green Zone LAP-BAND
Related Reading

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Two Second Vampire

Every two seconds someone in America needs blood, but only one in three Americans donates. That's a discrepancy that gets even wider in the winter, when blood is typically in short supply due to illness, holiday travel land and winter weather conditions.

Since 1970, FEMA has recognized  January as National Blood Donor Month - a time to remind Americans that even when blood donations are down, the need for blood isn't: our society needs nearly 40,000 units of red blood every single day, and most blood centers are unable to maintain more than a three-day supply of blood for transfusions.

"Donating blood is a safe, life-saving and selfless gift that enhances the level of preparedness for each and every community in this nation."  ~Ken Murphy, FEMA
Fang You, Baby Boomers!
According to FEMA, baby boomers are the biggest donors, and that's bad news in the long run: as boomers age, they often become less able to donate due to health issues and medications.  As baby boomers age, we lose them not only as top donors, we gain them as top users. 

The largest demographic cohort ever to move through the population will have more surgeries and health problems that will require more and more donated blood to maintain their own health.  Just as blood supplies become increasingly important, they become more quickly depleted, as boomers use more and more of the blood supply they once supported themselves.

Visit Boomer's Abroad
Interesting facts about donating blood:
  • Only 5%  of eligible donors in the US donate
  • The number of blood transfusions performed in the US increases by 9% every year
  • One unit of whole blood is divided into three parts: red blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
  • Each whole blood donation can help as many as three people
  • On average, a hip replacement typically uses one unit of blood, a cardiac bypass 2 units, a heart transplant 2 units, and a liver transplant 10 units
  • 25 % or more of us will require blood at least once in our lifetime

Monday, January 16, 2012

Is Mickey Mouse Getting Stem Cell Injections to Stay Young?

A recent study published in Nature Communications and reported on MSNBC's Vitals  illustrates, with rodent Benjamin Buttons, how scientists may one day be able to, if not reverse, then slow the aging process with an injection of adult stem cells.

In the study, mice bred to carry the disease progeria - or, rapid age acceleration - were injected with stem cells. Within days, the rapidly aging mice  (whose normal 2 year lifespan is cut to just 21 days by disease) began looking and acting younger. 
“It was mind boggling.”~ Dr. Johnny Huard, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (study co-author)

The stem cells did not fully reverse the aging disease - i.e. the progeria-infected, stem-cell injected mice didn’t live as long as normal mice - however the injected mice nevertheless lived three times longer than mice with progeria and no stem cell treatment. 

Adult Stem Cells: A "Fantastic" Cure For Aging?The study authors speculate that additional injections of stem-cells would even further lengthen their lifespans - that more stem cells will provide equal more effect.

Though the stem cell injection was made in the stomach, the stem cell effect was not limited to the gastrointestinal neighborhood. Though the stem cells themselves did not make it to the brain, the stem cells nevertheless improved the health of the brain by increasing the number of blood vessels.  

For scientists, this was the coupe de grace, suggesting as it does that normal stem cells are releasing a protein that spurs the growth of healthy cells.   The study authors note that 'there is a lot of money being spent in the world trying to delay aging' and that the comparative simplicity of the stem cell 'cure' for aging - a treatment that is non-surgical and non-invasive - would be nothing short of 'fantastic' for humans.

Top 10 Adult Stem Cell Treatments
Stem cell treatment to repair damaged hearts, bones and cartilage is currently being conducted by the study's authors.

Although human trials for stem cell treatment are not readily accessible to patients in the United States, leading stem cell researchers in state-of-the-art private hospitals abroad are building open study registries for treatment protocols.

Conditions treated include for congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, joint regeneration and erectile dysfunction.

A number of professional athletes have traveled abroad for stem cell treatment for joint repair, including Cy Young-award winning pitcher Bartolo Colon and Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning.

Stem Cell Awareness Day
Learn more about anti-aging adult stem cell treatments available through programs certified by the nonprofit stem cell treatment oversight organization dedicated to patient safety, the International Cellular Medicine Society  (ICMS).

More reading:  

Friday, January 13, 2012

Diabetics Have Less Opportunity, Lower Lifetime Earnings

The Toll of Diabetes:  Social and Economic As Well As Physical

A new study has quantified the non-medical costs associated with Type 2 diabetes, which according to the American Diabetes Association affects ~26 million children and adults in the United States, or 8% of the population, with new diagnoses at a rate of  1.9 million cases per year.

 The study, published in the journal Health Affairs, tracked 15,000 people diagnosed with either Type 1 or  the far more common Type 2 diabetecs from high school through their early 30s, or about 14 years.  Results show that people with diabetes can expect to make $160,000 less in earnings over the course of their lifetimes as compared to non-diabetics.

The research reveals that diabetics are less likely to complete high school or attend college; by age 30, a person with diabetes is 10 percent less likely to find employment. , in part because of reduced education.

"Diabetics may be having some negative consequences pretty early on in the course of life,” ~Dr. Michael Richards, study author/Yale University

The researchers estimate that the driving force of the income and opportunity disparities for diabetics is the difficulties experienced in balancing school or job demands with the management of a chronic disease.

In addition, employers may also be less likely to hire someone with diabetes, fearing either (or both) lost productivity due to sick days because and a greater insurance burden relative to non-diabetic workers.

Read: Diabetes Discrimination: Know Your Rights

"Job lock" may also be a factor; job lock refers to reluctance to seek out better-paying jobs for fear of losing existing health benefit.

Earlier research confirms that chronic disease and other health indicators - for example, being overweight, can pose barriers in the job market - obesity has long been linked to lower earnings.

Although Type 2 diabetes is more often encountered among older Americans, who can face age-related discrimination, the study controls for age, and shows the deleterious effects of diabetes are independent of age:  high school students with diabetes were 6% more likely to drop out, and 10% less likely to find a job.  

The study also controlled and adjusted for the effect of being overweight, as well as race and other environmental and demographic factors, with results clearly showing diabetes having a negative effect on income independent of other factors.
Intergenerational effects were also noted: children of diabetics were 6% less likely to attend college if they had a diabetic parent, possibly due to the financial impact of diabetes on the family income/savings. 

Diabetes: Stealing The Future of Our Children?
Current estimates place obesity rates among adolescents between 16-32%, a statistic that has the A panel of experts appointed by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics recently released a report recommending screening for Type 2 Diabetes should begin before age 10 for children who are overweight and/or have a family history of diabetes.  

Read: Is Weight Loss Surgery a Drastic Solution to the Problem of Childhood Obesity?

The problem of childhood obesity is so severe the New England Journal of Medicine has opined that the next generation of children may be the first in history to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.

First Lady Michele Obama's Let's Move initiative to reduce childhood obesity is aptly named; recent research has discovered an 'exercise hormone' (nicknamed "irisis" by scientists).  The hormone helps transform inert white fat into metabolically active brown fat; while overweight people who exercise may not lose weight, they experience the benefit of the hormone making them weight-gain and diabetes resistant.

Gastric Bypass and Diabetes Resolution
Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the US, and will likely move up the mortality ladder given that nearly 80 million Americans are currently classified by the ADA as "prediabetic". 

Type 2 diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure and adult blindness, and is linked to increases incidence of heart disease, stroke, cancer diagnosis and death. 

The current gold standard of bariatric surgery for obesity has the welcome side effect of resolving Type 2 diabetes.  The popular Dr. Oz was recently quoted in Prevention Magazine recommending  gastric bypass surgery, a procedure he considers essential in the fight against obesity.
Read: 10 Celebrities Who Have Had Weight Loss Surgery

Dr. Oz points out that an obese 50-year old has the same mortality rate as a cancer patient - most would not hesitate to operate for cancer, and the same should be true of obesity. "If you get people to start losing 5% of their excess body weight, you're really taking a big whack out of  (a serious health problem that is affecting) the two-thirds of Americans," he notes.
Related Reading

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

60% Would Toss A Pension For THIS Perk

How does health affect work, and how does work affect health?

A gym membership is the most common and, as it happens, least interesting health perk a company can provide.  That's what the Fit to Perform survey conducted among 554 executives reveals.

The executives were asked how they support the health and well-being of their workforce. 

Fully 60% rated free or subsidized health care as the most important perk in perkdom.   These results are the preliminary findings as part of a wide-ranging investigation into the critical health care issues around the world.   Maternity leave continues to not be commonly provided but to be commonly thought important.

It is part of the GE "Health of Nations"  research and analysis program , created by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

Quality health care doesn't need to be subsidized if it's affordable in the first place - something employers are learning is the case with international health care. 

Private health care in places as diverse  as Thailand, India and Malaysia  - and as close as Mexico, Argentina, Panama and Costa Rica (where 15% of annual visitors are actually dental tourists, according to the Costa Rican government) - is often less than half US costs - that's even with all the perks and extras that most US patients would like to expect from domestic health care, including modern 5-star facilities, private patient rooms, top surgeons and nursing staffs and US medical devices. 

Join the Health Travel Guides mailing list to learn more.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How LAP-BAND® Is Like a Band-Aid®

Some brands are so well-known they become the generic references for a whole category - think Kleenex, Jello-O and Hula Hoop (did Hula Hoop have any competitors?). 

LAP-BAND® is like the Band-Aid of  bariatric surgery, the Allergan-branded system is basically ubiquitous for minimally invasive adjustable gastric banding surgery.

An NFL Lineman Has LAP-BAND
Celebrities Who Have Had Weight Loss Surgery

More than 650,000  LAP-BANDs®  have  been placed, and with more than one third of Americans (that's about 60 million people) meeting the medical definition of obesity (a BMI of 30 or more), and two of every three Americans overweight, this number is likely to increase.

Being overweight increases the risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes (Read: 10 Truths About Diabetes), heart diseases, stroke, sleep apnea, respiratory problems and some cancers. Research from the National Institutes of Health has shown that obesity will decrease average life expectancy by nearly five years.

Most Troubling Obesity Health Risks

Going Green
The latest news in LAP-BAND® is the Green Zone LAP-BAND®, a variation on the procedure conducted with the new FDA-approved Endoflip system, which provides the obesity surgeon with multiple, real-time images of the gastrointestinal tract, enabling precision band placement and thus, opitmal weight loss.

Most interesting to patients is the fact that the first band 'fill' takes place inter-operatively; while 'regular' LAP-BAND® patients must weight up to three months for their first fill,  patients having a Green Zone LAP-BAND® get their first fill before they even leave the OR; often, the next fill is not needed until five months post-surgery. 

It's a win-win for both surgeons and patients: an advancement that results in more and faster weight loss, a quicker reduction of the more serious complications of obesity such as Type 2 Diabetes, while reducing the overall risk of complication.
Click here to take the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test

 Why Mexico is the Land of LAP-BAND®
Thanks to a sometimes glacially slow FDA approval process, the LAP-BAND® was available in Mexico a good five years before the United States.  As a result, top gastroenterologist surgeons in Mexico placed thousands of LAP-BANDS® before American surgeons had placed even one.  Rock star surgeons like the Allergan-certified "little Giant of LAP-BAND®" - Dr. Juan Lopez Corvala - visited as many as 100 US research hospitals proctoring the procedure.   His patient roster now includes about 6,000 gratefully thinner Americans.

The pattern holds true for this latest LAP-BAND® as well - as of this writing, Green Zone LAP-BAND® is available exclusively in Mexico's top private hospital network, where regular surgical clinics are held for US surgeons to train on the use of the EndoFlip. 

Although geographically speaking it's now just as easy to have a LAP-BAND®  in Missouri as Mexico, the economics still significantly favor Mexico, where the procedure costs $5,200 at a top private hospital - less than half the average cost for having  the procedure in a clinic in the US.  With medical travel facilitators like Health Travel Guides on hand to handle all the details, it's not only cheaper to have the procedure in Mexico, it's often easier as well.

Is LAP-BAND® Getting a Bad Rap? 
Watch this animated video about Green Green Zone LAP-BAND® and be the judge!

Want to find out if you're a candidate for Green Zone LAP-BAND®? Submit a secure online medical history and receive information about the Green Zone LAP-BAND® procedure.