Saturday, November 12, 2011

Erectile Dysfunction Often an Early Sign of Heart Disease

Erectile dysfunction  - that is, difficulty maintaining an erection sufficient for successful intercourse -affects approximately 30 million American men. That's 50% of men in the 40-70 age cohort.

While erectile dysfunction (ED) is indubitably inconvenient, and potentially ego-deflating, men should know that it is one of the most overlooked early symptoms of heart disease.

Often, ED turns out to be a sign of a more serious health condition involving the blood vessels.  For men under the age of 50, ED can be a clue that arthreosclerosis -the main cause of chronic heart disease - is present. 

Researchers at the Journal of the American Heart Association found erectile dysfunction to be a strong predictor of death in men with cardiovascular disease. Most worrying, men with ED have been found to be more than one and a half times more likely to suffer from heart attack, stroke or other serious cardiovascular problem.

Age is also a factor, of course. In men under 50, ED more than likely a sign of cardiac disease (in men over 70, this is less likely)

If You Suffer From ED
Our society's penchant for "a pill for every ill" is a disservice to men when it comes to ED.  While ED drugs may initially address the problem, they do not protect against cardiovascular disease or other illnesses.

Talk to a doctor about getting a cardiology work-up to assess whether you show signs of arthreosclerosis  and determine the proper treatment. Be prepared for a lifestyle change that involves first and foremost to stop smoking.  It will also involve a healthy diet that limits cholesterol, as well as integrating regular exercise into your routine.

Adult Stem Cell Transplant for ED
Studies have shown that injection of  adult stem cells has been shown to be effective in treating ED. Regenerative Medicine Institute at Hospital Angeles currently treats ED with its proprietary adult autologous stem cell therapy program.

To find out if you are a candidate for treatment, fill out this secure online personal medical history. A Health Travel Guides (Toll Free 866.978.2573) will contact you to communicate the medical team's decision regarding next steps. 

Further Reading
Top 10 Stem Cell Treatments of the Next 10 Years